Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Time Flies by

Well we meet again.  :)
So, we didn't make it skating (skaping as D would say) friday night. Randy had some equipment problems at work and wasn't able to get off in time. However Daryn was able to stay the night with his friend Nick. Sunday we did make it to chruch and it was promotion Sunday. Daryn enjoyed his new class however we will miss Mr. & Mrs. Ireland. They are such wonderful teachers!
On the ride into Muskogee, Randy and I were talking about how quick time was going and how Daryn will be able to start pre-K next year. Wow how time flies. We also started the Radical series at church on sunday as well and have been trying to read up on that book.
We dont' really have any plans for this weekend other than church on sunday.
Well going to go for now. I'll update you when I have some material.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I've taken some time from blogging as you can see. Well I hope I'm back for good!
I just had to share this:
last night Randy and I were talking about our small group gathering at the skating rink tomorrow in Broken Arrow and Daryn over heard us and asked if we were going to go skpping.
We got tickled. Then of course he had to keep asking us if we were going to go skaping.
That kid is the greatest and we just love him SO much! The Lord has blessed us and we are aware of it!
I'll try to get pictures of the skaping (skating) tomorrow night!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Daryn's "BIG" fish

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Easter sunday while at the Bottgers' house for easter dinner we took Daryn down to the pond to catch some fish. And he caught two fish, the first one got away just when he pulled it to shore and this is a picture of the second one. Which it was a bass and was lots bigger then the other. We were soo proud of him. He really didn't know what to think when we started to cheer him on plus the excitement of the fish on the line. It was really pretty cool. Can't wait to do it again!

2010 Rocket Racing and Air Show

This past weekend we took Daryn to the Tulsa Air Space Museun Rocket Race and Air Show. He enjoyed it more than we did. There was alot of walking involved. I guess they had a bigger turn out than they had expected and we had to park at least 2 miles away and walk. On the way back to the car the rain moved in and we got completely wet... Don't know that we'll go again but we'll see.
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Thursday, April 15, 2010

RIP Bubba & Mindy

April 13th we lost both Bubba and Mindy.... We shared great times with them and they were wonderful companion's. We will miss both of them dearly and I don't know that they could ever be replaced. RIP Bubb and Mindy.. We love you and miss you both very much!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Few days with uncle Paul and tony

Uncle Paul and Tony came to the Roarks for a few days, so lil man had
some company. They both played well with one another. I'm sure that
Daryn will look forward to their time together again some time this
summer. Enjoy

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas and Lil Man

Here is a picture of lil man and dada fixing to go to my dad's house for christmas. That would have made christmas #4. We managed to get through it though. With the snow christmas eve, we made it home fine from my mom and dad's house and went to granny and papa roarks for lunch christmas day and then off to granny and papa bottgers for dinner. Hope everyone had a good christmas considering the weather and all. Daryn did get lots of new toys and clothes. We are greatly appreciative from everyone!!!
Love you all and my you ring in the new year with your family and friends.
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