Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Time Flies by

Well we meet again.  :)
So, we didn't make it skating (skaping as D would say) friday night. Randy had some equipment problems at work and wasn't able to get off in time. However Daryn was able to stay the night with his friend Nick. Sunday we did make it to chruch and it was promotion Sunday. Daryn enjoyed his new class however we will miss Mr. & Mrs. Ireland. They are such wonderful teachers!
On the ride into Muskogee, Randy and I were talking about how quick time was going and how Daryn will be able to start pre-K next year. Wow how time flies. We also started the Radical series at church on sunday as well and have been trying to read up on that book.
We dont' really have any plans for this weekend other than church on sunday.
Well going to go for now. I'll update you when I have some material.

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